Modern Foreign Languages News – Autumn Term 2023

What a busy first term it has been here in the MFL department and as the term draws to a close, I would like to thank all our students for working so hard in their French and German lessons and giving their all. 

Year 7 have worked on learning how to introduce themselves, Year 8 Germanists have learned how to describe their past holidays and learned our new favourite word ‘Kakerlaken’ and Year 8 French students have learned how to introduce themselves, give personal information and opinions.  Year 9 pupils have also been working hard and have produced some lovely letters and cards to send over to France and Germany. A huge well done to Year 11 for working through a really busy term and mock exams, pushing towards our goals next year and taking on the new challenges as we prepare for our mock speaking exams in January.  A big cheer for our Year 10 students embarking on their first term of GCSE French and German and producing some outstanding results in their recent Module 1 assessments alongside a brilliant attitude.  Well done, all!

Frau Gill


The Christmas celebrations started early in Germany last Wednesday, 6th December as this day marks der Nikolaustag for many families across German speaking countries and children prepare for the visit of St Nikolaus. To prepare for the visit, children should tidy their rooms and clean their toys. Shoes should be polished, and set out by the door or on a windowsill. (Some children even leave a bit of hay or straw for St. Nikolas’s Donkey).  They leave them outside in they hope if they’ve been good enough, Nikolaus will fill it with all kinds of sweet treats and toys. Rumour has it that if you have not been good, Nikolaus will leave you some twigs and sticks instead!  Our KS3 classes tested this out last week when we made our German boots and set them out ready – I wonder who ended up with treats and who ended up with twigs? Here is a video that our KS3 classes will be watching this week, explaining all about the traditional story of Nikolaustag:

Year 8 French

Year 8 have made a brilliant start in French which they started studying in September. Last lesson, we had 7 journalists equipped with microphones (special thanks to Mrs Williams for the loan) who went around the classroom and interviewed their classmates in French. Each journalist had a different question. At the end, we also had a “celebrity” in the hot seat answering all seven questions as quickly as they could. Mahnoor, Sophie and Esther were particularly cool under pressure. Well done, Y8! 

Madame Raine ☺

Year 9 and Year 10 French pen pals

Year 9 French have received their first letter this week from our latest partner school in the Loire Valley in France. We were very impressed with their art skills.

Year 10 French also posted their replies to their new pen pals last week and it seems our students are equally gifted. They were able to write with detail and accuracy and put a lot of effort into their letters.

Writing to pen pals is not only a great way for students to use their foreign language skills for a real purpose but is also an opportunity to revisit everything they have studied and get an insight into a different culture. Students are also encouraged to show curiosity and compassion (some of our school values) by asking their pen pals questions about cultural life in their country.

Our latest school is near “Château de Chambord” in the Loire Valley which looks such a wonderful place on have on your doorstep! I am not at all jealous! 

Madame Raine ☺

A level visit from Runshaw

Our Year 11 students had a great morning this half term with a visit from Paul Wyton, a German teacher from Runshaw College who spoke to our students about life at Runshaw College and A level German, what to expect and the topics they cover.  Our students really enjoyed the talk and gained a lot from it with lots of interesting questions at the end of the session.  A huge thanks to Paul for coming in to take the time to talk to our students.  Paul will be back in after Christmas to do some exam preparation sessions with our German students which we are really looking forward to.

Blooket winners this half term Frau Gill

Mrs Gill’s Year 7 class have been in strong competition to see who can the best at Blooket.  Blooket is a great quiz game where students can learn and practise their German vocabulary in a series of games to see who can triumph.  This term following students have consistently proved there are the Blooket Queens.  Well done, all!

1. Eva W

2. Samara B

3. Yasmin C

4.  Esther C

5.  Mollie S

Herr Briscoe Year 8 Penpals

My Year 8 classes have initiated a Pen Pal scheme with students from the Sickingen-Gymnasium in the German city of Landstuhl. This has enabled the students to use both the present and perfect tenses to discuss themselves and a recent holiday they’ve experienced. Additionally, it provides the students with an opportunity to engage in conversations with native speakers of the language and exchange perspectives on their own experiences, as well as those of their Pen Pals living in the United Kingdom and Germany.

Mrs Gill

Curriculum Leader for MFL


  • Artsmark Platinum Award - Awards by Arts Council England
  • Lancashire Socio-economic Equality Badge
  • School Mental Health Award
  • Ofsted - Outstanding Provider
  • International School Award
  • Artsmark Platinum Award - Awards by Arts Council England
  • Lancashire Socio-economic Equality Badge
  • School Mental Health Award
  • Ofsted - Outstanding Provider
  • International School Award