On Saturday 28th January, 14 Year 10 students represented PGHS in the North West heat of the SmartLaw mock trial competition at Preston Crown Court. In preparation for the event, students met each Monday lunchtime to review the cases and practice their questions and speeches. In addition, Mr Troup, a barrister from 15 Winckley Square Chambers, visited school to provide a vital masterclass for students on how to effectively question witnesses. Our students were the only high school students competing in the competition with all other students representing sixth forms in the North West. Although the students did not make it through to the final of the competition, the judges, staff and other competitors were extremely complementary about our students’ conduct, communication skills and confidence during each round. They proved to be outstanding ambassadors for our school. I would also like to thank Mr Bretherton for giving up his time to help supervise the students during the competition.
Mr Herbert,
Associate Assistant Headteacher