Life Skills

After starting the term with a reflection on lockdown and focusing on positive thinking, Life Skills lessons went ahead as planned, if not a little different for KS4.

Year 7 have recently been focusing on body changes, including the changes that occur during puberty and the importance of a good diet, sleep and personal hygiene. Each student received a pack from ‘ALWAYS’ containing some sample towels and an advice booklet for both themselves and parents so that they could discuss this at home if necessary. The students approached this topic with maturity and asked some intelligent and important questions. They also looked at how to deal with challenging circumstances that can happen during this time of change.

Year 8 have been looking at positive relationships, online safety, racism and discrimination. They have had some great discussions and enjoyed the lessons on online safety, especially the rap that Miss Hollier used in her lesson!

Year 9 have been extremely mature and resilient in their recent lessons on healthy and unhealthy coping strategies, including the sensitive topics of self-harm and eating disorders. Students have been sign posted to areas of support if needed for this topic, such as ‘Young Minds’ and the Rainbow Journal that can be ordered online free of charge.

Years 10 and 11 have been making the most of the extended time for Life Skills. Year 11 have been focusing on college applications before moving on to the topic of Sexuality and Year 10 have been looking at intimate relationships and consent. Again, they have been signposted to places of support such as ‘BROOK’.

Life Skills is an area of the curriculum that is constantly being reviewed and adapted to meet the needs of the students. In October, parents were invited to attend the parent council meeting to discuss the Sex Education Policy at PGHS and also share their views and ask any questions. This was very successful and I would like to expand this parental group in the future. As you are already aware, RSE and Health Education is statutory. As part of this process, we have started a parental consultation on this. The next step is for parents and governors to view a draft copy of a new policy for this and complete a parental questionnaire. Please look out for this in the new year.

There will also be a weekly newsletter article starting in January. This is to keep parents aware of the topics that are being covered at all key stages and signpost any areas of support or help for discussing sensitive topics further at home. This is in addition to the school website. It is also an opportunity to share some of the great work that students do in these lessons.

I look forward to working with parents in the new year and sharing the work that students complete throughout the next term. Here is some of this terms recent work:

Mrs R Cahill.

Life Skills Co-ordinator and Teacher of Science


  • Artsmark Platinum Award - Awards by Arts Council England
  • Lancashire Socio-economic Equality Badge
  • School Mental Health Award
  • Ofsted - Outstanding Provider
  • International School Award
  • Artsmark Platinum Award - Awards by Arts Council England
  • Lancashire Socio-economic Equality Badge
  • School Mental Health Award
  • Ofsted - Outstanding Provider
  • International School Award