Year 7 students have spent the first half term learning about different aspects of online safety including cyber-bullying, social networking and how to stay safe using this media. They have all completed a group presentation about an aspect of online safety and have created a number of products to make young people aware of the dangers. I am looking forward to watching their presentations that start this week.
Year 8 students have been learning about internet searching techniques and looking into a variety of research including primary and secondary research. The girls have been conducting their own primary research around the topic of aliens. They have produced some amazing information leaflets including persuasive vocabulary to inform audiences whether aliens exist or not. This half term, we are now learning about binary, hexadecimal and coding language python. This will give the girls experience of GCSE Computer Science.
Year 9 students have been learning about advanced publisher skills. They have conducted some secondary research around magazines and looked at the design of a variety of magazines and publications. The students reviewed these publications and used these to generate ideas for their own magazine design. The girls carried out primary research into magazine designs and topics for magazines. They then analysed their findings and using this research, designed their own professional looking magazine. The girls have amazed me at the quality of the magazines created and there has been some professional-looking work produced. The majority of girls spent time at lunch time to complete this work. This half term they are building on their python coding skills from Year 8 which will give them a taste of GCSE Computer Science.
Mrs J Smith
Curriculum Leader for the C.A.T. Faculty