This half term sees KS3 Computing being a little creative or learning some basics in Information Technology. In Year 7, the students have been learning all about spreadsheets and will be in the process of creating a spreadsheet for a specific scenario that needs to include a range of formula’s and charts. The students will complete this independently and will be using the skills taught in the previous lessons to do this.
Year 8 and Year 9 are exploring a different way of programming using BBC Micro:Bits. This unit has seen them complete a range of challenges and games using the Micro:Bit website.
Year 8 will be moving on to designing their own music festival and have planned a website to promote this music festival. The students will be incorporating a variety of features into their websites, including scrolling text. We will be investigating the programming language HTML that sits behind the websites and challenging the girls to write some HTML code to help produce their websites.
Year 9 will be learning about algorithms and flowcharts. They will use Flowol to create some flowcharts for different mimics, exploring inputs and outputs.
Mrs Bennett
Curriculum Leader for C.A.T. Faculty