Year 10 took part in the ‘If you were an Engineer, what would you do?’ Leaders Award competition.
The competition challenges students from primary and secondary schools to identify a problem, design a creative solution to their problem and write a letter explaining why an engineer should choose to build their solution.
During the STEM festival, year 10 had a number of lessons to prepare them for the competition.
All the students that entered the competition had their design graded by an engineer and will shortly be receiving a certificate.
The competition organisers were amazed at the fantastic entries that we submitted and at the judging event, two highly commended and two winning entries were chosen from our school. The highly commended were the ones which came very close to winning but ultimately there could only be two winners for each year group for the Lancashire region.
The Highly Commended Entries:
Year 10 Amirah P. “Device Charging Wheelchair”
Year 10 Isabella W. “The Cube”
The Winning Entries:
Year 10 winner – Esha C. “Muscle Relief Suit”
Year 10 winner – Isabel B. “Write-Right”
The winners and the highly commended students attended an awards ceremony at UCLAN on Wednesday 15th June. The winners were each presented with a winner certificate and trophy.
Mrs Goodwill
Science Department