27th March
Dear Parents / Carers
As we know, this is a challenging time for all of us. As teachers it has been pleasing to see the girls engaging with online learning and staff have commented that some amazing work has been sent back into school during the week.
However, we are becoming increasingly aware of a number of students who are not engaging with the work set. During the next few days, we will be contacting the parents of these students to establish why this might be the case. Can you please let us know as soon as possible if your daughter is unable to complete the work, and the reason, so we can provide the necessary support. For example, we know that some girls have experienced difficulties accessing the internet or materials on Classcharts, which has led them to feeling stressed. Please assure them that they can email their teacher and we will respond.
If your daughter has an ICT related issue you can email: homesupport@penworthamgirls.lancs.sch.uk
Nobody knows how long the current situation will last and we are very concerned about the significant gaps in students’ learning, that will arise, if work is not completed. We are here to support in whatever way we can, so please keep in touch. You can help us by checking the Classcharts app and reviewing the work that has been set.
On a similar note, we have sent both a tweet and parentmail this morning about the number of students’ exercise books still in school. If your daughter does not have her books, can you please arrange for their collection at your earliest convenience. We have set up a system whereby this can be done with minimal contact, applying government advice about social distancing.
We are aware that spending longer online can present challenges at home, so we want to send a reminder about e-safety and supporting the emotional health and well-being of your daughter at this time.
Websites to support for your daughter’s emotional health and well-being are signposted below. They include information about discussing coronavirus with your daughter and how to help her if she becomes anxious.
Your daughter will invariably be spending an increased number of hours during the day online to access learning. She will be aware of e-safety concerns discussed during Community Studies lessons. There are dangers associated with spending time on social media sites, which they may be tempted to use during this time, when their normal social contact is reduced.
Below is a link to the CEOP website, which highlights the dangers online and gives practical ideas for parents.
If you feel there are issues around safeguarding at home that you would like to discuss with the safeguarding team please contact school. Currently we can make referrals for support to the Child and Family Wellbeing service to access some help if needed.
Please can we also remind you that if you have serious safeguarding concerns about a child, and wish to contact social services, please ring 0300 123 6720.
We have also summarised some national guidance for parents about creating a positive learning environment at home, which you may find useful.
Be realistic about what you can do
Keep to a timetable wherever possible
Make time for exercise and breaks throughout the day
Hoping that you and your family continue to stay safe and well.
With my very best wishes,
Karen Pomeroy
Head Teacher