Further update: Coronavirus

Dear Parents/Carers

Following my letter on Friday 13th March, I am writing to provide a further update for you on the current situation in relation to COVID 19 coronavirus and our plans as a school.

We are continuing to monitor the Public Health advice for Education Settings, which is updated daily, and the daily news briefings and will act accordingly with any advice given.


Pupils should attend school unless they are unwell – if your child has any of the following symptoms they should remain at home for 7 days:

· a new, continuous cough and/or

· a temperature.

Pupils should also be absent from school for 14 days if a member of your household has:

· a new, continuous cough and/or

· a temperature.

The 14 days isolation starts on the first day that symptoms are experienced by a member of your household. If your child is not able to attend school due to illness, please report this by contacting the school by telephone. Please inform school if your child is starting a period of isolation for 7 days or a 14 day absence due to illness of a person in your household.

Following further government advice given on 16th March, please note the following changes to our provision have also been made:

  • All inter school sports fixtures have been cancelled;
  • All PE after school activities have been cancelled;
  • No assemblies are taking place;
  • Futures Evening (Y9) has been cancelled – please see separate email about contact with staff for advice.

As Educational Visits are considered as non essential travel, I am sorry to inform you that our educational visits have been cancelled until further notice.

We will provide further updates as and when anything changes. We are dealing with an unprecedented situation and I appreciate your continued support and understanding as we deal with this crisis.

Please use the following sites for more information:



Yours sincerely

Mrs K Pomeroy

Head Teacher


  • Artsmark Platinum Award - Awards by Arts Council England
  • Lancashire Socio-economic Equality Badge
  • School Mental Health Award
  • Ofsted - Outstanding Provider
  • International School Award
  • Artsmark Platinum Award - Awards by Arts Council England
  • Lancashire Socio-economic Equality Badge
  • School Mental Health Award
  • Ofsted - Outstanding Provider
  • International School Award