The GCSE journey can sometimes feel like a whirlwind of information, assignments, and revision. SharePoint is a powerful collaborative platform that connects students with teachers, allowing for seamless resource sharing and enhanced academic success. This academic year, it has been used for both my GCSE Separate Biology classes in both year 10 and 11. The feedback so far is extremely positive, with students being able to benefit from it being a centralised resource hub where students can access all the lesson resources, the specification, past papers and supplementary revision resources. Instead of scouring the internet or juggling multiple platforms, they can access all the relevant materials in one place. This not only saves time and effort but also ensures that they have access to reliable and curated resources tailored to them. This is particularly handy if students have been absent. You can also see which students have accessed the material at any one time. It is also secure and accessible anytime and anywhere. It provides a secure platform for sharing and accessing resources and it is accessible on various devices, including laptops, tablets, and smartphones. Whether students are at school, home or on the go, they can conveniently access their study materials.
Mrs R Cahill
Science Department