End of Term News – Food Preparation and Nutrition

Year 7

Students throughout year 7 have been introduced to health and safety in the kitchen.  They have learned the importance of cleaning equipment and surfaces and storing and cooking food safely. In one particular lesson, students were tasked to find all the hazards in the ‘Grime Scene’.  Year 7 have learnt the ‘Eatwell Guide’ and all the nutritional needs through life stages.  They have then learnt to apply these principles when planning and making meals. Year 7 cooked a repertoire of predominantly savoury dishes such as pizza toast and pasta/fruit salad so that they are able to feed themselves and others a healthy and varied diet.

Students became competent in a range of cooking techniques, such as selecting and preparing ingredients, measuring and weighing, using utensils, using electrical equipment and applying heat in different ways (oven, grill. hob).  They have also developed their awareness of taste, texture and smell to decide how to season dishes and combine all the ingredients.

Year 8

Students in Year 8 were introduced to health and safety in the kitchen, bacterial contamination and the importance of controlling cross contamination in the kitchen. Year 8 conducted a food science investigation on raising agents, learning the functional and chemical properties of ingredients in bread making.  Linking to the Festival theme throughout the technology subjects, Year 8 planned and made festival-style hand held food, such as pizzas and burgers.

Year 9

Year 9 students were introduced to health and safety in the kitchen and developed an in-depth knowledge into microorganisms and avoiding food spoilage. The Year 9 theme this year is ‘eco warriors’.  Students learn about consumer choices and how this can have an impact on farming (in particular, looking at intensive egg farming). Students also learn about buying locally produced seasonal ingredients and the benefits of this.  Using seasonal vegetables, students then plan and make a seasonal soup and vegetable curry.

Year 9 students have also been learning about Fairtrade and have made smoothies using Fairtrade bananas and tempered chocolate to make chocolate decorations. The students also learnt how to fold their own piping bag using baking paper.

Year 10

Year 10 Food and Nutrition students started the year learning about food, nutrition and health, along with the science behind the functional and chemical properties of ingredients. Here you can see Year 10 students investigating the properties of different fats in shortbread. Year 10 have created many dishes this Autumn term and have learnt many skills; one of which included portioning a chicken.

Year 11  

Year 11 have finished their non-exam assessment 1 task, which will go towards their GCSE grade.  Students investigated the functional and chemical properties of ingredients and raising agents in scones. In the new year, students will start their non-exam assessment 2, where they will create dishes demonstrating their technical skills and finally complete three dishes within three hours.

Miss Scott

Food Preparation and Nutrition


  • Artsmark Platinum Award - Awards by Arts Council England
  • Lancashire Socio-economic Equality Badge
  • School Mental Health Award
  • Ofsted - Outstanding Provider
  • International School Award
  • Artsmark Platinum Award - Awards by Arts Council England
  • Lancashire Socio-economic Equality Badge
  • School Mental Health Award
  • Ofsted - Outstanding Provider
  • International School Award