In Art lessons, Year 7 have been producing some fantastic responses to recent work based on the 7 Elements of Art. They have studied the visual elements of Colour, Line, Tone, Texture, Form, Shape and Space. These elements underpin the basics for all art and design. It has been fabulous to see Year 7 Art students already developing the skills to recognise these and they are beginning to use them confidently in their work. Their recent task has included drawing a set of reflective glass marbles, concentrating on refining their pencil skills in basic shape, form and tonal blending. They have also studied the application of colour blending with skills being developed in creating smooth colour gradients with pencil crayons. The Art Department are very proud of the results! We have some exciting talent emerging, which we are sure you will agree from these photos of student’s work.
Mrs Gerrard
Art Department