At Key Stage 3 students are set according to ability from the beginning of Year 7 and class groupings are reviewed regularly through continuous assessment and formal testing.
At the end of each unit students are set a knowledge check or ‘yellow sheet’. From this teachers will identify areas to develop and set a MRI task in line with the school assessment policy. This will be to complete a Sparx Maths based task supported by an interactive video clip. If there are no identified areas of weakness then teachers will set an extension question designed to deepen pupils understanding on the topic.
Every week students are set a Skills Grid that they complete during one of their maths lessons. Skills grids consist of 20 questions which cover 10 skills. The same 10 skills are repeated for a half term, with questions becoming incrementally more difficult each week.
We aim to develop the ability to reason logically, learn a range of mathematical skills and techniques and use them in problem solving contexts. Teaching now has a firm focus on functional maths skills so pupils can develop an awareness of the relevance of mathematics to everyday life, society, the world of work and other disciplines. Most importantly, we support students in developing an understanding of mathematics in a way that promotes confidence and fosters enjoyment.
To motivate, challenge and reward our students further, we have a range of enrichment activities.
Years 7 and 8 are entered into the UKMT Junior Maths Challenge.
Various activities are undertaken on and around World Maths Day that encourage teamwork, reasoning and problem solving.
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