As part of the Festival, 30 of our Year 7 and Year 8 students took a trip to the Empire Theatre in Liverpool to see the fabulous, “four-fendered” musical, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.
Our students were dazzled by the impressive dance choreography, especially in numbers such as ‘Toot-Sweets’ and ‘Me Ol’ Bam-Boo’. We also loved hearing the beautiful singing, and laughed a lot at the witty interactions between characters – the two hapless spies from Vulgaria were particular favourites. We managed to hold our nerve when the sinister Child Catcher stalked across the stage and thankfully, none of our students were lured into one of his traps!
A real highlight of the show was when the famous car itself took flight and rose above the stage, flying across a starry night. It truly felt like a magical moment and it took our breath away.
The students all behaved excellently on the trip and were brilliant ambassadors for the school.
Miss Starkie