Careers in Design and Technology

Key Stage 3 Computing

Last half term saw KS3 Computing investigating and using a variety of programming codes ranging from Scratch to Python. The students have learnt some basic python programming skills to build on their scratch programming knowledge. This half term sees the students learning all about spreadsheets. They will create a spreadsheet for a specific scenario that needs to include a range of formulas and charts. The students will complete this independently and will be using the skills taught in the previous lessons to do this.

Year 8 students have been building their knowledge about binary and have explored the world of programming by using python. This has developed their knowledge from Year 7. They have learnt about algorithms and flowcharts, using Flowol to create some flowcharts for different mimics, exploring inputs and outputs. The students are now learning about the history of computing and how the technology has developed over the years. They are also exploring the future of technology.

Year 9 students have been learning about advanced programming skills using python. Students have recalled their previous learning from Year 8 with some of the basics and have now moved on to discover functions, loops and more advanced programming skills. All of this is giving them a taste of GCSE Computer Science. They have also learnt about the components within a Computer, how they work and they have explored the ethics that surround Computer Science technology. The students are now learning about the history of computing, how the technology has developed over the years and are exploring how it may be in the future.

GCSE Computer Science

Year 11 are exploring a range of practical programming skills in preparation for the practical exam paper. Revision sessions will be Mondays 3:20pm until 4pm (Theory) and Thursday 3:20pm until 4pm (Practical) in room 50.

The year 10 students have had a fantastic term and have been learning the theory behind computers. They are starting to understand how they work and how the components all work together. They have also been learning about data representation including binary, hexadecimal and two’s complement.

BTEC Creative Media Production

Year 11 are now starting to prepare for Component 3, the 10-hour practical exam. The brief will be issued on 15th January and the students will then be researching and developing mock ideas for their final products.

Mrs Bennett

Curriculum Leader for the C.A.T. Faculty


  • Artsmark Platinum Award - Awards by Arts Council England
  • Lancashire Socio-economic Equality Badge
  • School Mental Health Award
  • Ofsted - Outstanding Provider
  • International School Award
  • FFT National Attendance Award
  • Behaviour Quality Mark
  • Artsmark Platinum Award - Awards by Arts Council England
  • Lancashire Socio-economic Equality Badge
  • School Mental Health Award
  • Ofsted - Outstanding Provider
  • International School Award
  • FFT National Attendance Award
  • Behaviour Quality Mark