On Wednesday 9th October 2024, Penwortham Girls’ hosted a careers fair involving 38 employers, training providers, and colleges, aimed at raising students’ aspirations. The event attracted over 250 students from Years 9-11, offering valuable insights into various industries, local labour market information (LMI), and the wide range of apprenticeships available.Students are often influenced by the role models and experiences they are exposed to, and for those with limited guidance, their understanding of career options and industries can be limited. This event was designed to address this gap, helping students explore career opportunities they may not have previously considered. As part of our career’s strategy, we focused on meeting the Gatsby Benchmark 3—addressing the individual needs of students—and Benchmark 2, which addresses knowledge of LMI. The event successfully aligned with these goals, as reflected in the excellent feedback we received from employers, students, and parents on social media and LinkedIn. Looking ahead, we plan to expand the event next year. This year we will look at incorporating workplace visits, work experience placements, and projects linking curriculum to careers. These efforts will cater to different student cohorts and further support their career development.
J Ramsdale (Careers Leader) & S Gul (Careers Adviser)