It has been an amazing term in Art and Photography. We are very proud of the work that all of our students have done, both KS3 and KS4 and would like to congratulate them all on a great term!
Year 7
Our year 7 classes have settled into KS3 Art and Photography very well. Most recent work has been on the theme of The Great Barrier Reef with some very detailed studies involving careful observation of pattern and texture. Most recently they have enjoyed a very practical hands-on workshop during lessons trialling the technique of Press Printing. There have been some lovely results and students thoroughly enjoyed the experience.
Year 9
Year 9 have worked extremely hard on their Architecture project, using inspiration from the artists Hundertwasswer, Gaudi and Hadid. They showed resilience when learning the technique of perspective drawing, and many showed skill and a clear understanding after lots of practice!
Please keep an eye out in Booths, Penwortham this Christmas for our brilliant disco balls that Year 7 have painted.
Emma Mitchell
Head of Art & Photography