I knew today was going to be different. I sensed adventure lay ahead.
We got up extra-early on Friday 9th October and I’d hardly finished my breakfast before my owner was packing up my toys, snacks and poo bags ready to go to ‘Penwortham Girls’. I leapt into the car with eager anticipation; where and what is this place called Penwortham Girls’? Why am I going there today? Most importantly, will I get lots of love and treats?
We turned into Penwortham Girls’ High School and suddenly it all made sense; I’m needed elsewhere. My special healing powers have finally gained the wider recognition they deserve and I’m going to be helping to make people happier.
I first met someone called Mr Ramsdale. He looked a bit nervous as my owner left. He took me down to a little room and said, ‘have a lie down’. No problem, I thought. Mr Ramsdale seemed to relax a bit, so immediately I was working my special magic!
I’d hardly been asleep five minutes when there was a knock at the door and Mrs Pomeroy came in to say hello. She seemed nice and friendly. Soon afterwards, other teachers popped in to see me. They were all lovely and Miss Garlick even brought me snacks, so I really liked her.
After my nap I went off for my first therapy session. A lady called Miss Wignall took me for a walk around a big, muddy field with a couple of students. They threw a ball for me and let me sniff around. I don’t know how I did it, but they were definitely happier afterwards.
At lunchtime, Mrs Pomeroy took me out into a big yard full of girls and I really felt like a celebrity now. Everyone was smiling and making high pitched cooing noises at me. Whilst out there, I managed to snaffle a few scraps of sandwich, some pasta and a bit of apple from the floor. This was turning into a great day!
I must admit to feeling a little bit tired so I had another nap and then went out for some more therapy sessions in the afternoon. I struggle to count but I reckon I must have helped at least 10 girls.
At the end of the day, Mr Ramsdale asked me to pose for a photo. I think he wants everyone to remember me (as if anyone would forget) and perhaps continue to be healed when they see my adorably cute face. I’ve been told that I’m very photogenic; what do you think?