Advent at PGHS

Advent starts on the 1st December and is the special time in the run up to Christmas. This year, a Christian charity called ‘MAF’ (Mission Aviation Fellowship) has inspired the RE department to focus our advent assembly on helping others.

Who is MAF?

MAF is a Christian charity who want to use advent to raise awareness of the work they do.  MAF began in 1945 after World War II by Christian aircraft engineer, Stuart King and other fellow pilots, who believed that God loves all people around the world and that everyone deserves help when they need it. After the war, they wanted planes to be used to help people rather than hurting them so the men raised money to buy a plane.  They flew to one country in Africa and started helping people. Today, MAF work with over 2000 other charities to fly small planes to help people in 26 isolated countries by bringing those in need medicine, food and shelter.


How it has inspired us?

This advent we are going to support the local community by providing food and essentials to those who need it most. We have paired up with the food bank at the Booths store in Penwortham. Each year group will help by bringing in foods and products so we can help those in need, in our local area! The number of people needing the help of foodbanks has increased dramatically and the North West has the 2nd highest number of people using foodbanks in the UK. So, what could you donate?

Year 7 and 8: tinned goods and drinks

Year 9: packets e.g. cereal, instant noodles, cereal bars etc.

Year 10 and 11: Toiletries and baby products

We are very grateful for any donations made. To donate please bring items in to form and pass them to form tutors!

KS3 Competition

MAF have created a range of creative advent/winter crafts! From baking to making things, from something Christian to a good, hot chocolate recipe, there is something for everyone! The crafts booklet has been put on all KS3 forms Class Charts.

We want you to have a go at one/some/all of those activities then either bring in your craft or take a picture of you/your family enjoying it at home! The three best crafts completed in each year group will win prizes! Entries can be submitted to Miss Hollier or Miss Brooks by 17.12.20.



  • Artsmark Platinum Award - Awards by Arts Council England
  • Lancashire Socio-economic Equality Badge
  • School Mental Health Award
  • Ofsted - Outstanding Provider
  • International School Award
  • Artsmark Platinum Award - Awards by Arts Council England
  • Lancashire Socio-economic Equality Badge
  • School Mental Health Award
  • Ofsted - Outstanding Provider
  • International School Award