The Music Department have been incredibly busy these last few weeks rehearsing for the Christmas Celebration on Wednesday 8th December. This will be the first concert at Penwortham Girls’ for students in Y7 and Y8 and one which I know we are all looking forward to.
Without giving too much away, there will be performances from the brass and woodwind groups, our wind ensemble, Y7 Choir and PGHS Voices and some of our Y10 Music Students. There will also be some festive dances and drama.
The evening will be slightly different than in previous years, as we are trying to keep social mixing to a minimum so there will be no ‘Grande Finale’ performance with everyone on stage at once. We do hope, however, that as this is our first step back into a ‘live’ performance, it will be enjoyed by all who attend.
Tickets for the Christmas Celebration can be purchased on ParentPay. We are asking all participants and audience members to sanitise their hands on arrival and wear a mask throughout the performance. We will be propping open the doors to ensure the hall is well-ventilated, so you are advised to dress accordingly!
Mrs Cattanach
Associate Assistant Headteacher
And Curriculum Leader for Music