We’ve made it! The end of another half term, and one unlike any other.
The ‘new normal’ seems to be constantly changing, with the past six weeks of remote learning being like nothing experienced before. With regular live lessons and a staggering range of online resources utilised, it’s been something of a revolution! I’m proud to say that our girls have responded with their usual energy, enthusiasm, and drive. In the world of modern online teaching, we can be distracted by the glitzy websites and virtual experiences; however, we know, behind every Zoom lesson or Kahoot Quiz is a lot of hard work and focused concentration. I’m pleased to report, that the feedback from your daughter’s teachers is that all this hard work is paying off, the quality of work being produced is often excellent and pleasing progress is being made.
We know the extra mile our girls have put in over the past half term, maintaining routines and trying their best in unusual circumstances. Well done for ignoring the constant pull of the Xbox, mobile phone and chocolate filled fridge!!! In recognition of your daughter’s hard work, there will be no online lessons this Friday as we want to provide your daughter with the opportunity to participate in some of the activities outlined in this booklet. We hope that all of our students will seize the opportunity to do something different. Where appropriate, we would love to see evidence of any completed tasks, these can be uploaded to the ‘Wellbeing Friday’ homework on ClassCharts.
Mr Ward
Senior Assistant Headteacher