Year 7 students have spent the first half term learning about different aspects of online safety including cyber-bullying, social networking and how to stay safe using this media. They will be preparing a presentation as part of their assessment and delivering these to the rest of the class during their lesson time over the coming few weeks.
Year 8 students have been learning about internet searching techniques. They have been looking into both primary and secondary research with the girls conducting their own primary research around the topic of aliens. The girls have started to produce some amazing information leaflets, including persuasive vocabulary to inform audiences about the argument of whether aliens exist.
Year 9 students have been learning about website design. They have looked at a variety of websites and have analysed their designs by looking at a range of their various features. They have developed a detailed plan for their own website, created a logo and created a variety of assets. This half term will see the websites being created using ‘serif webplus’ and I am looking forward to watching the websites develop over the next few weeks.
Mrs Bennett
Curriculum Leader for C.A.T. Faculty