Year 9 Edge Hill University Mathematics Challenge 2021-2022
Students in Year 9 have been presented with an extracurricular opportunity to enter for the Edge Hill University Mathematics Challenge 2021-2022. This is an annual competition organised by the Faculty of Education at the university specifically for Year 9 (England and Wales), S2 (Scotland) and Year 10 (Northern Ireland) pupils.
The challenge aims to immerse students in mathematics whilst making the subject fun. It provides pupils with the opportunity to tackle engaging mathematical activities, while developing teamwork and communication skills and allows students to explore alternative ways of solving problems; skills which are transferable in the real world.
Students were initially presented with two different mathematical problems, of which they were asked to choose one of them, solve the problem as a team and present their solution as a poster. Their posters have been sent to the university and the judging panel there will select the groups from all the qualifying entries from across the country. These teams will then be entered to the second stage of the competition, where they are then sent another set of problems to choose from and solve. The problems presented in each stage of the competition are very different from the mathematical work associated with Key Stage 3 and 4 mathematics.
As this challenge was extracurricular, it was lovely to see so many Year 9 students give up their own time during break, lunch and outside of school to work together and attempt to solve their initial problem as a team. The teams that have entered are:
Team 1: ‘The Mathia’ (Alice W, Libby W, Savo A, Jennah K and Maisie W)
Team 2: ‘The Calcoholics’ (Tasneem A, Gracie H, Victoria K, Fatima K and Abi C)
Best of luck to both teams!
Miss Hasan
Maths Department