Book Review: Which Witch?
The book ‘Which Witch’ is about a dark wizard called Ariman. Since Ariman has no son or wife, he decides to hold a contest in which the seven witches of Todcaster (Mabel Wrack, Ethel Feedbag, Mother Bloodworth, Nancy Shouter, Nora Shouter, Madame Olympia, and Belladonna) participate in a competition that will decide who he will marry. Whichever witch performs the darkest deed of magic will be his bride. However, most of the witches of Todcaster are downright revolting and nasty in both personality and looks! The exception to this is Belladonna, who is beautiful inside and outside and secretly loves Ariman. However, as she is unable to perform any black magic. The question in the end that everyone wants to know is which witch?
Maayana C (Year 9)
Book Review: Medusa
Medusa by Jessie Burton is about the Greek myth of Medusa written from a feminist’s perspective. In this book, Jessie Burton changes the original story of Medusa, where Perseus finds out that she is the monster he is looking for and chops off her head, to where Medusa actually fights back and looks Perseus in the eye to turn him into stone.
This change that she has made is great because it shows that when Perseus betrayed her, he got what he deserved. Medusa wasn’t killed for being a ‘monster’.
The ending of the story was very nice because she was left to sail across the oceans and seas with her sisters. It was also quite sad because she had to spend the rest of her life drifting on the sea with only her sisters’ company. She was able to see everyone else on other boats, but they couldn’t see her.
Overall this book was delightful to read and showed a new perspective on the things that were told in the original story.
Olive W (Year 7)