Pen Pal Galore

Year 8 French  

Once again, we have 64 students in Year 8 who have made a fantastic start in French. Our first Module is a very busy one! They have learned to introduce themselves, say how they are feeling, how old they are, whether they have siblings or not, describe a classroom, spell their names and say what they like and dislike. Last week, we learned lots of new verbs introduced through a French song. It is a catchy song which called for an impromptu arm-linked sing-along on Friday in the last few minutes of period 5!  

They have used all this new knowledge to write back to their pen pals in France. This is our fifth year of exchanging letters with “Collège Lasalle” in Lille. We had a big envelope full of letters waiting for us after half-term. The letters were greeted with so much excitement and delight, distributing them made me feel a little like Santa!

Madame Raine

Year 9 French pen pals  

Year 9 French have made origami houses in which they wrote all about themselves and their homes. These were sent to our latest partner school in the Loire Valley in France near “Château de Chambord”. I have heard the French students have been very impressed and it seems we have set the bar high again this year.   

Writing to pen pals is not only a great way for students to use their language skills for a real purpose but is also an opportunity to revisit everything they have studied and get an insight into a different culture. Students are also encouraged to show curiosity and compassion (some of our school values) by asking their pen pals questions about cultural life in their country.  

Madame Raine

Year 8 German 

Four other classes have also been writing to German pen pals from Sickingen Gymnasium in Landstuhl. We are also in our fifth year of exchanging letters with our German partner school. In an era of instant communication with text messages, emails, Facetime and Zoom, it is somewhat surprising that students actually enjoy writing real letters and are even more eager to receive a reply! Two of the German classes have German as their second language too and we are very excited as our students have made friendship bracelets for them.  

Mrs Ingram

MFL Department


  • Artsmark Platinum Award - Awards by Arts Council England
  • Lancashire Socio-economic Equality Badge
  • School Mental Health Award
  • Ofsted - Outstanding Provider
  • International School Award
  • Artsmark Platinum Award - Awards by Arts Council England
  • Lancashire Socio-economic Equality Badge
  • School Mental Health Award
  • Ofsted - Outstanding Provider
  • International School Award