A big welcome back to all students after what we hope was a fun holiday filled with opportunities to explore new places and landscapes. Been anywhere interesting? Tell us about it – we are currently putting together a display of souvenirs and trinkets from around the world and we would welcome any additions.
A particularly big welcome to our new GCSE Geographers in Year 10. We are looking forward to getting to know you better and nurturing your love and interest for this wonderful subject. Also, a welcome to our new junior Geographers in Year 7.
What will be studying this half term?
Year 7 start the year with a unit on what Geography is and some of the key skills required to be a good Geographer. There have been some excellent early homework tasks and students have been engaged and knowledgeable in lessons.
Year 8 has begun with a unit on river landscapes. This starts with the geographical processes and landforms, before moving onto flooding and river management. The level of detail being included in work and the standard of vocabulary has been impressive.
Year 9 is a year when we start to blend in some GCSE content and raise the complexity of work. These students are investigating the spatial distribution of biomes around the world and how these are created by the shape and orbit of the planet. We will soon be looking more closely at tropical rainforests.
GCSE classes are looking at the UK Coastal landscapes and their management (Year 10) and the largest city in the southern hemisphere, Sao Paulo, and the challenges it faces (Year 11).
Mr Bowles, Curriculum Leader for Geography