Food Preparation and Nutrition

I am excited to announce that baking club for this year is for all Year 9 students on Monday’s after school. Spaces are getting booked up quickly, so please come and see me to secure your space.  

Year 11 are at the start of practising the Non-Exam Assessment 1, which is a Food Science Investigation.  As a practise run, they are investigating the functional and chemical properties of cookies to find the ultimate chocolate chip cookie!

Year 10 are currently learning how to have a healthy and balanced diet. They have been looking at life stages and what nutrients each life stage needs, such as babies, children, teenagers and adults.  We have started off with practical skills using the bridge hold- and-claw grip to cut batons, julienne and jardinière shapes. This has then helped Year 10 to make a salsa dish using a variety of fruit and vegetables. Next week, they will be making spaghetti bolognaise, looking at the protein content and which life stages this would benefit. The week after, they will learn how to make pasta from scratch. Here are some photos of their knife skills so far…

Mrs Scott

Food Preparation and Nutrition


  • Artsmark Platinum Award - Awards by Arts Council England
  • Lancashire Socio-economic Equality Badge
  • School Mental Health Award
  • Ofsted - Outstanding Provider
  • International School Award
  • Artsmark Platinum Award - Awards by Arts Council England
  • Lancashire Socio-economic Equality Badge
  • School Mental Health Award
  • Ofsted - Outstanding Provider
  • International School Award