Year 7
A very warm welcome to PGHS Art Department, Year 7! It has been a pleasure to meet you all. I hope you’ve all had a good few weeks settling in.
In Art lessons, we have got straight into painting. We have been learning about colour and the different colour groups such as complementary, analogous, warm and cold colours.
Year 8
Year 8 have been learning how to draw the features of the face as part of their Portraiture Project. As you can see, we have been practising using guidelines to help with the shape of our features.
Year 9
Year 9 have been learning how to draw using one-point perspective. I am blown away with their precision and ambition with choosing the challenge which was to draw boxes stacked and a hole in a box. Well done, Year 9!
Year 10
Year 10 had a wonderful start to Photography with creating food narratives – a little bit of fun to get us going with GCSE Photography.
Year 11
Year 11 have been creating some fantastic portraits inspired by famous artists. Can you guess any of these?
Mrs Mitchell
Curriculum Leader for Art and Design